
This is the official trailer for "Disposal" that played at Studio 28 in Grand Rapids before a special showing
of Ghostbusters on Wednesday April 9th, 2003.
I was very excited about the premiere, but the idiots who were running the event f*&^ed it up, and how!
At the showing, the moron introducing the trailers messed up my name... and the sound for my preview was
unrecognizably ground up through an audio blender problem.
Of course, this was all worked out in time for the trailer that really mattered at the event... oh well, mine was still
To view the trailer, simply click the following link and wait. The trailer will load automatically.
You will need Quicktime to view the trailer.
click here to play the trailer




**This trailer is about 4MB in size. It may take a long time to download for those with slower
connections, therefore a cable connection is recommended. Try to right click and save to your computer for best results.
It can be easily deleted to retrieve disk space once viewing is complete or saved to CD to treasure forever, whichever applies**

